Hello friends,
I'm finally almost finished with my second manuscript! I lack two chapters from completion before I start searching for an agent.
I'm really excited to share this new book with everyone should God will a second book of mine get published.
My first novel, The Protected: The Unseen Realm, is in the Christian market. The second one I'm working on will not be due to graphic material, light profanity, and a couple of love scenes. The love scenes are not Fifty Shades of Gray style, but it's enough the Christian market wouldn't allow.
Both of my books deal with angels and demons with good always prevailing. While The Protected was told from the angel's point of view, my second novel is from a demon's and the main character's point of view who's been tormented by her childhood demon.
I'm SO excited to nearly be finished with this next book!!! Thanks for keeping up with my posts!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
About Me

- Brooke-Lauren Montgomery
- I'm a Texan, born and raised. I love my God and my family (friends included as family!) My first novel was realeased December 23, 2014 and I've since finished writing my second manuscript and have begun my third. Being a successful writer has been a dream of mine for years, since I was little. I can't wait to see where God takes my first book and my future ones. I pray that it touches many hearts. For those of you who love suspense novels, good vs. evil, you may be interested!