Hey guys, I wrote this two years ago. God laid this song on my heart to write. I was just sitting there thinking of how so many people around the world are hurting. Even those who look completely happy and perfect on the outside have a deep need on the inside that no one may even know about. I believe that we can be so unaware of how we can effect others around us. Your smile could mean saving a life to someone you locked eyes with at the grocery store, the mall, or wherever. You don't even know the person, but it gives them a spark of hope that keeps them going on.
To Save A Life written by Brooke-Lauren Montgomery
She thinks she's all alone and nobody knows what she's going through.
She's crying out for someone, just for someone to reach out and show they care.
We can be so unaware that the little things we do may save a person's life:
Have you ever felt the weight of the world upon your shoulders?
I've felt it, I've felt it.
Have you never been the toy that needs to be wound to make it through the day?
I've been there, I've been there.
Have you never wished for someone to let you know that they are there?
I've done it, I've done it.
Don't you know that God through us could give them hope to carry on?
He sits alone tonight putting up a fight with things that plaque his mind,
Waiting for someone who will be a listening ear to what he holds inside.
We can be so unaware that the little things we do may save a person's life:
Have you ever felt the weight of the world upon your shoulders?
I've felt it, I've felt it.
Have you never been the toy that needs to be wound to make it through the day?
I've been there, I've been there.
Have you never wished for someone to let you know that they are there?
I've done it, I've done it.
Don't you know that God through us could give them hope to carry on?
He holds a gun in his shaky left hand,
She grips a bottle of pills, twisting the cap.
Two different people with different stories,
They hold their precious lives in their hands.
Will you take the time to show you care?
A simple smile could save a person's life:
Have you ever felt the weight of the world upon your shoulders?
I've felt it, I've felt it.
Have you never been the toy that needs to be wound to make it through the day?
I've been there, I've been there.
Have you never wished for someone to let you know that they are there?
I've done it, I've done it.
Don't you know that God through us could give them hope to carry on?
She thinks she's all alone and nobody knows what she's going through,
He sits alone tonight putting up a fight with things that plague his mind.
About Me

- Brooke-Lauren Montgomery
- I'm a Texan, born and raised. I love my God and my family (friends included as family!) My first novel was realeased December 23, 2014 and I've since finished writing my second manuscript and have begun my third. Being a successful writer has been a dream of mine for years, since I was little. I can't wait to see where God takes my first book and my future ones. I pray that it touches many hearts. For those of you who love suspense novels, good vs. evil, you may be interested!
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