About Me

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I'm a Texan, born and raised. I love my God and my family (friends included as family!) My first novel was realeased December 23, 2014 and I've since finished writing my second manuscript and have begun my third. Being a successful writer has been a dream of mine for years, since I was little. I can't wait to see where God takes my first book and my future ones. I pray that it touches many hearts. For those of you who love suspense novels, good vs. evil, you may be interested!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Interesting Book!

Over the past few days, I've been able to read a book that a friend gave to me. He dropped by work to take care of some business and when I told him I wrote a book on spiritual warfare with a fictional plot, we started talking about how real spiritual warfare was, that even though we can't see it, it's constantly happening all around us. He proceeded to tell me about When Pigs Move In by Don Dickerman, based on his personal experiences with spiritual warfare. The book takes into account different circumstances he's seen while allowing God to heal people through him who are oppressed and, in some cases, possessed.

It gave me a new view of oppression that I'm still unsure I believe. I'll have to line it up with Scripture to make sure it's accurate. Scripture never contradicts Scripture. Some the stories in this book may frighten you, depending on the level of scary-ness you can take. I find that true stories scare me more than ones that can't really happen. At any rate, this book teaches how dangerous it is to play with things that could open doorways for demons. A lot of the things in the book came as a surprise to me. Although there were a couple of things that I felt may be over-the-top in portals for demons, I enjoyed reading this book.

I recommend it to anyone who doubts demons are real. I will caution that if you should read When Pigs Move In, to not automatically believe every statement made without checking The Written Word of God first. I'm a very leary person when it comes to my beliefs and I've been blessed with good discernment. Again, some things said in this book I'm not sure I entirely believe, but that's up to you as the reader to decide for yourself and going by what you feel God says to you about it.

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