This process of publishing has been a long one, but I'm nearing completion. I've received my third set of edits and once I turn those in, they will review it, send it back one more time and if it's good (close enough to perfect ;)) then I will send it back along with a signed sheet of permission to send the manuscript to the printers for distribution!
If I had to guess, my book will be in stores late June or so. I will try my best to keep you updated. Now that school is out, I have much more time to blog!
I can't remember if I told you about the second book I'm writing...but I'm halfway through with it. If you like suspense/horror, then you'll love it. :) I can't really give too much info because it's still early in the making.
I can't wait to see where God takes The Protected. I pray it blesses many lives and that God speaks through my writing to reach others all over the world. Will you guys help me get the word out?
Thank you!! I hope you guys have a blessed day!
~Brooke-Lauren Montgomery
About Me

- Brooke-Lauren Montgomery
- I'm a Texan, born and raised. I love my God and my family (friends included as family!) My first novel was realeased December 23, 2014 and I've since finished writing my second manuscript and have begun my third. Being a successful writer has been a dream of mine for years, since I was little. I can't wait to see where God takes my first book and my future ones. I pray that it touches many hearts. For those of you who love suspense novels, good vs. evil, you may be interested!
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